Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Shrine

I have seen a great phenomenal movie called "The Shrine" it's an IFC film and it's about a strange religion but with a twist. In this small village it has these big woods and in the middle of those woods is a mist with a demon statue and if someone enters into this mist and sees the statue they a cursed forever. And of course someone is going to be curious and go in. This is based in the modern world but this village is far from the city. These three news reporters find out about this man that has gone missing but his luggage came back to the airport, so they went to were the man went to and see what has happen to him. one of the news reporters finds his journal and reads his travels to this curtain area. As they go to this village they are basically outsiders, these villagers hate outsiders cause what the outsiders may be up too. later on the movie they all three go into the woods only 2 go into the mist and those two are cursed, and when they are cursed they see creepy deformed creatures and things and turn into some exorcism kind of thing, but the villagers have a curtain religion to take these people and kill them before they could curse and kill everyone else. either way it is a very creepy movie, it's not a jumpy movie but it's a really good creepy scary face, interesting story movie. I gotta say that it is not that bad of a film, its like a cult horror movie and its very well done, and the effects are just creepy!

4/5 Brains


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