Monday, July 9, 2012

Dod Sno!

I stumbled to a film named "Dead Snow" or as originality called "Dod Sno". Now I Don't know if it is Russian or German, but it is a pretty interesting decent zombie film. 7 Medical students go on some kind of vacation ski in a curtain part of the arctic area, they go in a nice warm cabin and everything and have fun skiing and what not. Then some old man comes in the place and tell them all a story that's in the area, and the story was about in world war 2 a small part of Hitlers army traveled around the arctic to make weapons, plans, and hide curtain treasures, but then the Nazi were told they were losing and the Nazi went around and stole all different treasures they can grab and hide them. All the army died from the cold weather but one general he hid the treasures and then he died from the cold weather as well. and the treasure is under the cabin. so the old man leaves get's killed and stuff. So one student finds the treasure and they all take part of the gold, and then the undead comes. Nazi Zombies!! besides the long dialog it's worth the wait cause of the death scenes of head busting, brain splattering, blood squirting, organ pulling, bones cracking, huge SPLATTERFEST and a Chainsaw! yeah a chainsaw some pretty brutal chainsaw scenes and more other weapons. Weird story for a zombie film but not to bad of scenes.

4/5 Brains 

6/10 stars

Need more info go to these sites:



Rotten Tomatoes 

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