Monday, July 9, 2012

Do you have the crazy!?

recently i have seen a film on my netflix, I'm not much of a netflix fan, but they do have decent movies to watch. But the recent film i got to see is called "The Signal" the plot of this movie is a signal that comes on your tv, radio, computers, ect, and the signal makes you snap into insanity, every one starts killing each other because the signal makes them protect something they love and they think that the rest of the people are the people taking that thing that they love away from them. complicated i know but it is not bad. its crazy! and some cool weapons a being used too. but it does have small parts of comedy but that doesn't change the feel of the movie cause its still its own horror feel. and it may get confusing but it adds up a bit. but yes i say check this movie out.

I'll give it 4 out of 5 brains (brains are kinda like stars) and out of 10 im going to give it a 6.7/10

here is a few sites with reviews and ratings



Rotten Tomatoes

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