Sunday, April 15, 2012

Zombies, with huge veins?!

The one zombie movie with zombies with fucking steroids is "Devil's Playground". Devils Playground starts in the UK in a hospital and they made a curtain medicine to cure and make you younger, and many volunteers went to take the medicine and after a week symptoms started to happen, people were getting sicker, vomiting, and die. But of  course they didn't stay dead. but something is different with these zombies than other original zombies, these zombies have huge artery looking veins, and they run like 28 days later zombies. but besides describing these zombies the movie was great it was interesting cause of the different species of zombies. there was some exaggerated drama scenes but it was a descent film. I would defiantly buy this movie and watch it again.

Rate: 7
Stars: 3 

Creators of Paranormal Activity making a other movie!!!

I've notice every since "the Blair Witch Project" camera horror movies became a big thing in 2010 and the Blair Witch Project was made in the 1999, now i bet they have made a few video camera movies during the 2000's but in 2010 the most popular movie with only hand held cameras is "Paranormal Activity". Now Paranormal Activity wasn't so scary unless you are very jumpy or just didn't like suspense but still watch scary movies, but besides Paranormal Activity making your audience asleep because it starts off slow, it makes you very interested that you have to see the second movie! and the third! But then the creators of Paranormal Activity made a really scary jumpy, and kinda corny, that movie young sirs is "Insidious". That was one of the best scary movies I've seen created by the creators of Paranormal Activity. Anyways to get to my point since they made Insidious they made another movie coming on May 25th called "Chernobyl Diaries" (click the title to go to for more info) Now the Chernobyl Dairies is about six tourist going on an extreme trip to Russia in a abandoned city named the Pripyat the home to the workers of the nuclear reactor of Chernobyl, they go to record their discoveries and the trip, but during their exploration they find out their not alone. now how does not sound epic! if the brief description didn't help you with imagine the movie then watch the preview.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Welcome Zombie Fanatics!
Well i just watched "La Horde" 
It is an IFC film, you may know IFC films from the "Human Centipede" and also"Unknown"
But anyways the movie was EPIC and had some Brutal scenes, and Amazing makeup on the zombies. BUT the ending SUCKED i wish they had and alternate ending for this movie. but besides me judging on this, click the link and watch it yourself. i'll give it an 7 or 8.5 and 3 stars